Change | Teen Ink


December 1, 2017
By olivianylen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
olivianylen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The warm breeze sweeps across my skin

As the soft sound of birds singing reaches my ears.
The sun beats against my dark shirt
Making my body warm.
Trees bend and sway in the wind
As I crouch down
To find even the smallest bit of shade.
Fresh cut grass nips at my legs
As they sink into the ground.
Time passes
Without registering in my mind.

Leaves will fall and leave the trees bare.
Crisp and cold,
The morning breeze will bite my cheeks.
Days pass.
People change.
The ground where I once lay will be frozen
In the low temperatures of nightfall.
Layers of clothing will keep my body warm.
Familiar places will have a different mood.

Just as I adapt to this change,
Something else
will become different.

Life moves too fast.

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