Christina | Teen Ink


November 16, 2017
By NathanCurrie BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
NathanCurrie BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You encourage me to commit crime.
Christina why do you tell me to hurt what isn't mine?
My craving for you grows stronger convincing me all i need is you, and i know that's not true.
I met you as a young man and i've been hooked on you since, your scent, your taste even your looks make me go crazy when i open you up. I know you shouldn't be in my life but whenever i try to leave i find you pressed against my lips as I burn your love and inhale your hate.
Christina, why can't I tear you from my life you you tore me from mine. I'm addicted to you i just can't get away from your drug. I hate you so much Christina, but i will never have enough.

The author's comments:

I've had friends and people in my life who had struggled with drug addiction and this piece in particular is about struggling with meth also known as "Christina" hence the name of my piece.

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