The World Around Us | Teen Ink

The World Around Us

November 16, 2017
By Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Have we ever asked anyone if their world could be better?<br /> Has anyone ever asked us if our world could be better?<br /> -Baylei Bicket

Fighting for our lives
Trying to make people happy by being perfect on the outside
Yet on the inside we are slowly being torn away

The climate is killing us
People are be taken without anyone noticing
Can we even trust anyone

Are we being suffocated
Into the blackness of everyone's hate?!
Are we being lost into everyone's confusion
Whether we are going to be attacked or
If the world is going to end?

Is the news really true
Or are they trying to make it not as bad as it seems
So we try and help but not to freak out?!

Are we failing at life
Or are we succeeding
Who can tell us

Is there going to be more storms
To destruct our life
Or are we the ones just destructing our life
That we have created

Are we trying to move into the future
To only kill our planet
That some may love
And some that may hate

We don’t realize what we are doing
Yet we are doing it at the same time

Hoping to stop global warming
Yet in another country there is toxic air pollution
How does everyone expect to live
When we are doing everything wrong
But are we doing it right

Is there going to be a future
In space
On another planet
Or will we all just disappear

Disappear into the darkness
Of  the world’s hate
And whatever else everyone
is complaining about

Why can’t we all just appreciate
The things we have
And be grateful for what we earn
Or are given

There are people who live on
Park benches
Under trees
In parks
Or even on the street

Trying to survive
In this “world” we have been given

What is wrong with the world
What is wrong with us?!
Have we ever asked if anyones world could be better
Has anyone ever asked us if our world could be better?
-Baylei Bicket

The author's comments:

I was in class and my teacher told us to write some sort of poetry and I thought about the world and this just came to my mind.

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