The rain doesn't sleep | Teen Ink

The rain doesn't sleep

October 6, 2017
By Amandagrac.e SILVER, Ormond Beach , Florida
Amandagrac.e SILVER, Ormond Beach , Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will drown the too forgiving soul you nurture
in sensations of nostalgia
Your eagerness will water down to a murky grey
Puddles will seep into the cold earth
Your skin, fragile
Yet immensely course
Dimming the path you strive to lay,
And in that moment
You will realize
The rain
Never sleeps.

The author's comments:

"The rain never sleeps" demonstrates how individuals keep going back to the ones who have hurt them the most. When they should just stop and find hapiness in someone else because it will always rain if they keep going back.

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