Sick Sea | Teen Ink

Sick Sea

October 5, 2017
By 1lexo BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1lexo BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At all hours of the day,
The ocean writhes in her bed.
Her stomach ails her,
Because she's sick.
She can’t help coating beaches with her algal bile.
She clutches the continents in her arms,
Begging for help.
The land dwellers ignore her pleas.
They pump her full of poison.
She endures the carbon, sludge, and waste,
But she can’t hold up for much longer.
Why must the life within her die,
For the life without her to be satisfied?
Her children are dying,
And their skeletons lay with her in bed.

The author's comments:

My name is Alexa and I'm a senior in highschool. I wrote this poem because my Creative Writing class challenged me to write a poem using personification. I took heavy inspiration from my Marine Bio when writing it. I hope that people look deeper into the issues destroying our oceans after reading this poem and decide to do something about it. 

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