Without Hope. | Teen Ink

Without Hope.

October 13, 2017
By DanielGomez2020 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
DanielGomez2020 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her attempt to express her endless pain,
As if she wanted to escape her prison body and be finally free.
The mesmerizing contrast of the sun and moon,
Both very different,
But both with a strangely immense inner beauty,
A very bipolar feeling
And a authentic curious sensation,
A unquestionable sterile arid background,
But full of feelings
as a mixture of fury and sadness,
And the viscera and skull inside the funnel,
As a feast of the dead on his head,
And she as the guest of honor.

The author's comments:

This poem is inspirated from a Frida Khalo painting.

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