What Is Poetry? | Teen Ink

What Is Poetry?

October 26, 2017
By Staleisha SILVER, No, Alabama
Staleisha SILVER, No, Alabama
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is poetry I ask today
What is poetry, all that we hear listening to the screams and comforting
What is poetry, all that we see looking at our neighboring sky and to the souls that see us
What is poetry, all that we think holding a broken mirror and a child
What is poetry, all that we communicate through words and melodies to those without
What is poetry, the beckoning shadow that covers the pain of everyday
What is poetry, the beating heart even after one has stopped
What is poetry, the elevator out of this world and into the next beyond
What is poetry, the ideas that bind the broken
What is poetry, the bloodhound that finds the lost
All that is poetry cannot be explained through just the idea of ‘poetry’
What is poetry

The author's comments:

This poem is baised off a one-pager that I wrote for English class after learning more about poetry.

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