Rare Species | Teen Ink

Rare Species

April 19, 2017
By Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Boys can be cruel
Although this type of species of girls are crueler.
these creatures.
They will leave their opponent begging for death.
A gift like a poisonous kiss.
Till there is not even the dust from which they were there.

These deathly beautiful creatures.
Don't be fooled by their ability to care.
They only care after the cuts from one´s mind transfer to the cuts on someone's arms.
They don't truly understand.
They?e lacking of empathy,
Yet they don't even know that.
Because only what is visible to them affects them.

They take your the world from you,
Right out from your hands as you watch
But have no control over anything like watching a tv show
No matter how hard you try.
They laugh with their friends
Until you have nothing left.
Striping down layers and layers of your soul
Trying not to get their hands dirty and ruin their manicure as they're reaching in and grabbing chunks of your heart.

Then they cry at night and wonder why their life is so hard for them,
As they call themselves the victim,
As they cry themselves to sleep,
wanting to be the girl who soul they messed up so bad until she wished she was dead.

There are some outliers, but this rare type of species of girls is special,
because it's a vicious cycle
And they don't even realize.

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