Butterflies | Teen Ink


January 9, 2017
By alexishurwitz5 BRONZE, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
alexishurwitz5 BRONZE, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say that butterflies cling onto the ribs of damaged people
And that vines of roses come pouring out of their eyes when they cry
When I look at hurt people I see nothing but black
Heavy dark dusty doom seeping from their pores
I see popped blood vessels and extra layers of fat and oil and blackness
Their souls are not beautifully misunderstood and their skin is not porcelain
Their souls are just broken and their skin is just pale
They are locked away in fortresses in their minds and no matter how hard you try to pound down the door and scream at the monster to let them go…
They will never come out
They have tried every remedy to free themselves
They ingest it and speak these remedies and when none of it works
Their dreams flee from them and their visions of being a Mother are erased
Because why would they want to pass on the genes that they were cursed with that keeps them locked away
They say that God makes no mistakes
That every creature is created for a reason
What was God’s reason for creating a creature just to lock them away?

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