I look just like you | Teen Ink

I look just like you

January 10, 2017
By hannahjcraft BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
hannahjcraft BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think of me?
Think that you and I could’ve been a “we”.
Not a day goes by when your thought doesn’t visit,
No matter how hard I try to resist it.
You make me sick,
How could I not predict,
that you would leave her months into the game
Don’t you have any shame?

For that one night stand
That you clearly hadn't planned...
Take some responsibility,
You haven't even met me.
You gave me no chance,
You left without even one glance,
at your baby girl.
They tell me I look just like you,
Even as I grew.

I can't help but think
That your decision was made by that stupid drink,
Constantly glued to your hand
Making your life wither away like a beach’s sand.

Or was it your choice,
To never hear my voice.
My image of you, dad, has started to blacken
How could you not see this was going to happen
You didn't want part,
In loving my heart.
Instead you decided to stab it
Which seems to be your habit.

I can no longer live with mom,
Causing her heart to burst like a bomb.
I never got the chance to live with her,
Even after she went through all the pain to deliver

Was I a mistake?

Maybe yours, but I sure wasn't my own.
I’m still going to hate you even after I’m grown
I’m strong, I’m fighting, and nothing's gonna stop me
Until I succeed in being the best woman that I can be.
Because of you, my life won't be normal
And this story has a pretty killer moral.
You hit me with an obstacle, but I ran right through it
It took blood, sweat, and tears I gotta admit,

You kicked me out your door,
But i now know i don't need you anymore.
You made your decision that fine, all is well,
Until you find yourself crying in hell
When you realize the pain that you have caused me
The pain that cause a crack in our family.
And if you say you want to come back,
and your life's back on track
I’m throwing you out, won't look you in the eye,
Because your baby girl’s too strong to cry.
Over some stupid guy,
Who decided to pry
His daughter's heart from her chest,
Now it’s time to give it a rest.

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