Before I Go | Teen Ink

Before I Go

December 13, 2016
By MontanaRae BRONZE, Verona, Missouri
MontanaRae BRONZE, Verona, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before I go,
I need to tell everyone
How much I love them.
The world may never know.

Before I go,
The young ones in life
Need to know they are loved,
Cherished and wanted in life

Before I go,
The ones just starting life,
Should know that everything happens
For a purpose. So don’t get down.

Before I go,
The elders should know,
I looked up to them with respect.
And cherished every moment like it was the last.

Before I go,
My kids should know,
They have always been loved,
And they will live a great life.

Before I go,
I wanted to tell my death wishes
and then a small song, a little smile, and then nothing.

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