superhero | Teen Ink


December 8, 2016
By Athelas BRONZE, Ashland, Oregon
Athelas BRONZE, Ashland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

did you know i was a superhero?
i didn’t, either.
turns out that origin story thing -
that sucks.
that sucks hard.
i don’t want to tell you what it was
except that it involved a boy
and a trapped scream
and things i never wanted to learn.

did you know i have superpowers?
i didn’t, either.
i only learned
the first time uptown funk played in the dining hall
and i managed to time travel.
i learned again
when you accidentally smacked me from behind
and i teleported across the room.
and i learned again
after i knew where everyone was
by the sound of their breathing.

did you know what superpowers cost?
if i time travel
i vomit in the bathroom
and freeze in fear.
if i teleport
i cannot touch anyone
for the rest of the night.
if i know where everyone is
i class them as a threat.

did you know i was a superhero?
did you know i have superpowers?
did you know i don’t want them?
you do now.

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