My Life is Like a Star | Teen Ink

My Life is Like a Star

October 31, 2016
By Haskilele BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
Haskilele BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My life is like a star
Occasionally glowing fierce and bright
Lighting up the way for others to turn to
My life is like a star
Sometimes firing gaseous red flares
Trying to relieve my obstacles
Attempting to burn away my anger
Waiting for my corona to cool
Looking for the other side of a planet
My life is like a star
A center for others to orbit around
Being a leader big and proud
Bringing myself peace and joy
Not caring for the asteroids
Them being all of the tough times
I rather my warm radiation
My life is like a star
Sometimes bright and sometimes dim
Flares and soft auroras of blazing red ejections
Constantly trying to balance them
My life is like a star

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