all toys die | Teen Ink

all toys die

October 21, 2016
By death300 BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
death300 BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A broken hearted toy sits
All alone .

The toy box gets more and
more empty.
    One toy all alone and forgotten
No one else to play with him
   Action figures  broken
Arms and legs missing
Oh toy heaven why was i created
Someone drew me up
And made me come to life
            but who
And what for i've been through a war

War lead to fun and excitement
Long battles at midnight

Cool hot wheels racing 

Legos were used for building
And others were thrown around
           And broken
army men fighting

Oh no not the super heroes
           Always there to save the day

The best action figure of them all
New ones evidently turned old
Lego men stepped on and crushed
    Oh please don't vacuum us up
Just put me back together

Now the train sets are destroyed
         Oh toy creator make me new and improved
Oh please don't  leave here in this big empty

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