There's a monster under my bed | Teen Ink

There's a monster under my bed

October 15, 2016
By KatieKitten BRONZE, Smithfield, Other
KatieKitten BRONZE, Smithfield, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There’s a monster under my bed.                                                         
I’m telling you,
it’s not in my head.
It’s there watching me
with big yellow eyes,
and sharp, shiny teeth.
I hear the sound of it breathing.
There’s a monster under my bed
…and it wants me dead.


There’s a monster under my bed.
I know it.
It’s big, hairy and scary.
I’m not imaging things,
I need to be wary.
It has the paws and claws of a bear.
It’s humongous beyond compare.
It must be squashed under there.
There’s a monster under my bed
…and it wants me dead.

There’s a monster under my bed.
It’s waiting for me to wail or scream,
this does not feel like a dream.
I could climb out of bed and run,
but that would be dumb.
It does not know that I’m home all alone.
If only I could get to the phone.
There’s a monster under my bed
…and it wants me dead.


There’s a monster under my bed.
Did it just touch me?
Was it a hand, or paw,
Or claw?
Was it slimy?
Something freezing just brushed against my toes.
That’s just adding to me woes.
There’s a monster under my bed
…and it wants me dead.


There’s a monster under my bed.
I can hear it wiggling.
It’s big, hairy and definitely scary.
It waits for me to come down.
This game of cat and mouse is no fun.
“That’s it,” I muttered, “I’m done.”
There’s a monster under my bed
…and it wants me dead.


There’s a monster under my bed.
Can I hear it scurrying?
No. It must be its stomach growling.
Scratch, scratch, scratch
It has the paws and claws of a bear,
It’s giving me such a scare.
Oh the monster, the monster under my bed.
It wants me dead.


There is a monster under my bed.
It wants me dead.
It’s coming to get me.
Will this be my final hour?
I wonder if I taste sweet or sour.


Then I had a brilliant thought,
Light makes monsters feel distraught.
Wait, isn’t my flashlight under my pillow?
I can be my own hero.
I turn it on, just to see,
big yellow eyes glaring back at me.
I scream until I realize, it’s just Puss
Gosh, I have been such a Wuss.

The author's comments:

We live in the rainforest in tropical Queensland, Australia and are surrounded by weird sounds at night!  I have had snakes, frogs and lots of giant spiders in my room.  I get scared sometimes but I try to remember that I can be strong and not give in to my fear.

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