The Charger That Got Away | Teen Ink

The Charger That Got Away

October 13, 2016
By Anonymous

My phone is the Galaxy S7,
The greatest phone around.
Until that terrible moment in 4th hour
That my world came crashing down...

I heard the crash of the opening in the floor,
Where my charger was plugged in;
I opened up the latch only to realize
My charger’s life had came to an end.

It was a good charger, it was a strong charger.
Whom brought joy to my life for three days.
But now it will only be known as,
The charger that got away.

I cry myself to sleep at night;
Thinking “where did I go wrong”
I thought it could bear the fight...
But unfortunately it was not that strong.

Now I only have the memories,
Memories are here to stay.
But my phone will mourn the loss
Of the charger that got away.

Forever in my mind, always in my heart,
The charger that got away.

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