Changing Motion | Teen Ink

Changing Motion

June 19, 2016
By Rose472 BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
Rose472 BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is intriguing how all of a sudden the motion of the waves change.

Things that are expected to be a certain way.

But are completely different from what we were hoping.

As one day goes,

Another one comes along.

This oblivion in which we get closer and closer to.

Many people don't want to go near.

It's something that many of us fear.

But yet we are not fully certain of what it may hold.

Within it may be beautiful and bold.

Until then let's just wonder what is to be.

For everything can change within a blink,

Or before we even get a chance to speak.

And this is something for a fact which we cannot deny.

Love may change like petals on a cherry blossom that suddenly fall.

Or the thoughts that we have created may change to be completely unexpected.

No matter what will change the one thing we mustn't change is the hope we hold.

For it keeps people the same no matter what we've been told.

The changing of motions may cause something extraordinary to occur.

And for that let's leave the rest of the future at a blur.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because things in our life change, sometimes even drastically. Usually to be very unexpected. Even so we mustn't worry about what could have been or what we could have changed. We must take the hits as we go along our paths. For if we continue even if it's not what we wanted or wished for. 

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