Stand Tall | Teen Ink

Stand Tall

June 15, 2016
By poemwriter365 BRONZE, Bayonne, New Jersey
poemwriter365 BRONZE, Bayonne, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The end is just the new beginning."

It was never your fault in the first place
You were never meant to be chased.
We were all trying to have a good time
But who knew it would turn out as a crime
Even if you're alone
Even if  you were  very known
Even if our faces was all shown.
You should stand up tall and be proud
You are relaxing up in the clouds.
Then you can just always be loud
I will never forget you if you never forget me
Fly like an independe bee
Never look back on the dark days
And look on the bright ones
Because afterall we were all just killed by guns.

The author's comments:

The incident of orlando made me right this piece.

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