Never Give Up | Teen Ink

Never Give Up

June 3, 2016
By Anonymous

When you get old enough it’s not about lies and sugar coating things. Things like the easter bunny and santa aren’t real anymore. That’s when everything really gets real. You and your parents switch places, they don’t lie to you anymore but you begin lying to them. You tell them things like “I’ll be at the movies with some friends” and you’re really at someone’s house getting drunk and doing drugs. Why? Oh, it’s cool they say. Nobody knows what it is really like to see death flash in front of your eyes but when you can’t stand and can barely catch your breath because of how high off the earth you really are, you feel like you’re escaping death. It’s fun they say, just try it, come on. That’s what’s wrong with today’s generation, they will be there to get you started but they won’t be there when you are struggling and need help. Then you are forced to stop lying and seek for help until you relapse because you’re that far gone. You can’t even imagine a life without that pipe, or that needle. It’s all you can see in front of you. Losing friends, family, money, good grades and a chance at a normal life. Say good bye to success and say hello to a high chance with a record and ending up behind bars. You might feel like there is no way out and that you can’t tell anyone but don’t be scared, you can’t let the addiction win. Get up and stand tall and fight the addiction and fight forever until you can make it right. Once you’ve done that, you can help people struggling with what you once did and you will feel alive again.

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