Water, Humans' Basic Needs | Teen Ink

Water, Humans' Basic Needs

May 27, 2016
By TungVuong123 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
TungVuong123 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water is the BASIC living unit
Water is what people deserve
Water is something people need
But it’s something some people don’t have

The issue is…

That people don’t understand
That people don’t know
That their water isn’t clean
That their water is very contaminated
That their water is.


But isn’t CLEAN water what they deserve?
Then WHY is it not what they are getting?
What have people do to stop this problem?

They create signs that don’t have power


to support rural areas


dig wells to provide clean water
This might be good for a moment

But people don’t get it
These “helpers” don’t want to help
They do this for a few pictures
To put on their




They do not know


663 million people are dying
1.8 billion still lack water
Thousands still drink dirty water
And yet WE...

We still can’t help



Who have what it takes



Who have the money



Who know the issues

Yet we who still sits


We could be out there arguing for rights
We could be out there protecting those people
Who can’t stand up for themselves
Who doesn't know their own rights
Who still suffers every day
It’s us who CAN change this issue
It’s us who CAN make a difference
It’s us who can build the future
So let’s get up and help
Not for you nor for me
But for the people...

Who actually needs it.

The author's comments:

Providing clean water for rural areas around the world has been something that every country is concerned about and is taking action to prevent. But sometimes people might have a different view on this issue and I take this chance to present my Point of View about this Human Rights. 

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