Becoming Hope | Teen Ink

Becoming Hope

May 26, 2016
By memig98 BRONZE, Seabrook, Texas
memig98 BRONZE, Seabrook, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl.
The girl became a student.
The student became a graduate.
The graduate became a woman.
There was a boy.
The boy became a student.
The student became an outcast.
The outcast became a dropout.
The dropout met the woman.
The woman became a friend.
The friend became a girlfriend.
The girlfriend became a mother.
There was a daughter.
The dropout became a man.
The man became a husband.
The mother became a patient
The husband became a student once again.
The daughter became Hope.
The patient became a spirit.
The student became a drunk.
The drunk became a spirit.
Hope became an orphan.
The orphan had to grow into a girl.
There was a girl.

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