You are a Dancer | Teen Ink

You are a Dancer

May 20, 2016
By Anna.sunn BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Anna.sunn BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are a Dancer

You are molded into different
shapes, visions, messages, dreams.

You are put in a box,
and challenged to carve through it,
Leap around it,
Move above it,
Turning the box into . . .
your stage, your performance

You are given one sole purpose -
To create emotions,
A wave of reactions
for yourself and those around you.

You are living, breathing artwork
but simultaneously the artist.
The power behind the impact
the melody in the magic

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the nature of the Dance world. Dancers have to work hard on applying basic technique skills and rules in all their movement. Dancers are always having to remember different combinations, choreography, counts. However, a dancer truly becomes an artist when they take all they've been given and create a comepletely different product through their personal style and execution. I feel like this kinf of thinking can be applyed t many departments of life. Like writting for example, you have to follow basic grammer, spelling rules, sentence structure, and genre rules. However, you can take these concepts and make something all your own. Just like a dancer. 

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Revelation said...
on May. 31 2016 at 8:02 pm
Words are such powerful tools that we use to convey our thoughts and ideas. Your poem is the epitome of this concept . I felt the passion and emotion that you poured into this work of art and as you wrote, I truly felt the melody in the magic .

Revelation said...
on May. 31 2016 at 8:02 pm
Words are such powerful tools that we use to convey our thoughts and ideas. Your poem is the epitome of this concept . I felt the passion and emotion that you poured into this work of art and as you wrote, I truly felt the melody in the magic .