Being Me | Teen Ink

Being Me

May 25, 2016
By writingismyfreedom BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
writingismyfreedom BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do this, Do that,

Be this, Be that,

Too many people trying to fit in,

But not me.

Wear this, Wear that,

Try this, Try that,

Too many people being as society percieves,

But not me.

Just me, trying to find my place.

Trying to find my place among the others like a flower amoungest the weeds.

Just me, trying to be myself among a place that tries to fit me in a mold,

But not I.

For I shall break the mold,

Take hold of the truth,

And plant a seed.

Waiting for others to join me,

And while I'm waiting,

I'll be doing what I should've been doing,

Being Me.

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