Pet Peeves | Teen Ink

Pet Peeves

May 19, 2016
By ASmartGuy BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
ASmartGuy BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pet Peeves

In a pet store around the corner,
There were some angry pets.
They would not stop bickering
about who was the best.
“I give my master security!”
The Dog implied
The Snake rolled his eyes and said
“That’s a big fat lie!”

The Turtle said
“I only have to be let out once everyday.
Then the Snake hissed
“But you take forever to get place to place.”
“You fools!” The Cat exclaimed,
“I’m clearly the best.”
“I can get rid of all those awfull pests!”

“What if we had a race?”
The Dog said in despair.
But The Turtle claimed
“It would not be fair.”
“I don’t understand,”
The Dog stated,
“Why this is so roughly debated!”


“This should be easy!”
The Snake shouted savegely,
“We are going with the Dog’s idea”
“To test our agility.”
As the housepets lined up,
To test each others speed
The Turtle kept complaining
He had not agreed.

They all starting running!
When The Dog said go.
And obviously The Turtle
Was moving quite slow.
The cat went off in blaze!
As he easily made first place.
But The Dog wasn’t far behind
as it turned into a chase!

Though in last place
The Turtle still tried.
To prove he could win the race.
as he moved at a pokey pace.

Then out of nowhere
The snake came slithering
Not very far behind.
Eventually to find,
That him and The Dog
were at a steady tie!

Then all at once
The Cat began to get slow.
Since he ran out of energy,
It was starting to show.
Then they all came to a jolting tie.
The Turtle was the only one
that nobody could find.
Of course everyone assumed
that he was behind.

While everyone rushed,
To get to the end.
They were shocked to see

The Turtle waiting for them!

The author's comments:

Hope you enjoy this "turtouse and the hare" themed poem that I spent alot of time on! :)

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