Diluted - the lament of a free spirit | Teen Ink

Diluted - the lament of a free spirit

May 13, 2016
By lang.anna BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
lang.anna BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Turn down...
your music.
your volume of speech.
your attitude.
your tendencies.
your personality.
your passion.

Turn up...
your “favored attributes”.
your quiet, shut down side.
your submissiveness.
your dependent mind.
your dilution.

I was told to live with passion,
to love those around me.
I was told to be myself,
to live with independence.
I was told to be free,
to have a deep heart.
I was told to be strong,
not submissive to the ideas of others.

As I sit and ponder the life I live
I often wonder why I’ve always just forgiven.
I know it’s the right thing to do but what
about when people are reforming you.

What about when you feel like your
free spirit is being diluted?

When is enough, enough?

When does it become okay to
vocalize your frustration, at a
volume you like?

When does it become okay to
think on your own without offending
others with new ideas?

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