We all want it... | Teen Ink

We all want it...

May 12, 2016
By That-one-guy BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
That-one-guy BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all want to be different in different ways.
We all choose to see each other differently and yet we are set to the same standards.
We all want change yet we try to keep everything as it was in the past
We all watch as others hold heated hatred for others
We all want nothing to do with them…
And yet we try to support without getting involved
We all want to get accepted, yet we choose to put people down
Some loath the idea of change, yet we look back to the past to see the flames of hatred burning brighter than the flames at the stake.
We all want to be different in different ways
We all choose to see each other differently and yet we are set to the same standards
We all need respect.

The author's comments:

It's for my class and for my firends

: ^)


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