Bully | Teen Ink


May 2, 2016
By MeganObie BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
MeganObie BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She slept like a moron,

Emotions withdrawn.
Crawled out of bed each morning,
Painting her face to be adorning.

Skin flawless.
Heart black,
I wish it’d have an attack.

Hair immaculate.
Soul just like her eyeliner,
Made from coal.

Outspoken and rude,
Perfect manicure, unlike her attitude.
Flowing dress,
Why she’s so awful is anyone's guess.

Defined as dreaming ugly.
An ugly to be imagined,
it’s inside.
An ugly to be imagined,
gross beyond what you know now.

Gross beyond belief.
Not having to deal with her would be a relief.
Others don’t let their contempt for her show
That will change though,
Past these high school walls,
The vile words will come back to her like a waterfall.
In the real world...

Past these hell walls she won’t matter to anyone.
Her mouth still pouring out hate,
Year after year,
Until the 13th,
When she will finally disappear.

The author's comments:

(Loose Rhyming with an attempt at humor)

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