Haley | Teen Ink


May 3, 2016
By kegstand BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
kegstand BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We don’t always see eye to eye
don’t ask me why.
We don’t always get along
but our friendship is strong.
And you are my best friend
We won’t let that end
no never.

We have a bond
so strong
with every breath.
You are there for me
through thick and thin.
And i know you will be
till the end.
Because true friends
are for eternity.

You turned my darkness into light
you made everything alright.
When I needed you most
you were there
even if you didn’t really care.

Of all the friends i’ve ever met
you’re the one
I won’t forget.
We are friends
friends forever
friends like this
stick together.

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