Love Can Really Have An Affect On Life | Teen Ink

Love Can Really Have An Affect On Life

April 19, 2016
By kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Love is not an easy thing to understand

You can never really know that true person you love

Someone could easily say"i love you so much"

But do they really mean it?

Do they really have that true feeling someone is suppose to have for you?

Or are they just saying that just to say it?

They could have a deep hatred for you,and just don't want to say it to your face

Afraid of the things you could do to them

But everyone should know that love is suppose to have a true feeling to it

It means that you have deep feelings for that person

It doesn't matter who you love

You should love them with all your heart

But that love can have a toll on your life

And just make things worst.

The author's comments:

I know that throughtout life,people will always fall in love with the person they have true feelings for.But,love is not an easy thing to understand.It can either be the best thing of your life,or it can be the worst.

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