UNFAIR | Teen Ink


April 18, 2016
By ainzulaikha PLATINUM, Johor, Other
ainzulaikha PLATINUM, Johor, Other
27 articles 0 photos 2 comments

When all you tried was to make things right,
And fix whatever you’ve done wrong,
There must be something that will always get in the way,
No matter how strong.

When all you wanted was time,
Time to heal, time to let go,
But with all the wind and chime,
Things never went the way it was supposed to go.

When all you needed was some space,
To relax and to think,
With the people around to satisfy,
You’ll never be able to blink.

When all you needed was someone to support you,
Even through the hardest of circumstance,
There they are out there in the blue,
Hoping you’d pair up like Gretel and Hans.

There will be no time,
There will be no space,
There will be no pair,
For everyone is unfair.

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