fairytale | Teen Ink


April 4, 2016
By tenzinyangchen_ BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
tenzinyangchen_ BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Close your eyes.
You have just escaped the castle where you have been held captive.
You chose to run to the forest nearby,
hoping the canopy would cover your escape.
As you run through the forest,
you hear squeaking iron suits from the castle’s knights.
They are running towards your direction.
You see a little cottage nearby.
You quickly run to the small home,
to find refuge from the knights.
Hoping the home belonged to no one you stayed,
Only to find a little old lady.
She spoke of a day,
when I’d visit a strange land.
A land where there are metal boxes used to talk to others from far way.
And huge metal birds that people fly in.
You couldn’t understand, but the next moment the knights rode in and took you away.

The author's comments:

This is a situational poem, I thought about formatting my poem in a short story format and lyrical statements.

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