my little tent | Teen Ink

my little tent

April 4, 2016
By tenzinyangchen_ BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
tenzinyangchen_ BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Watching the night sky,
Stars twinkling.
I get cold.
Zip up my little temporary home.
Read the book laid out on the ground,
as I read,
I hear owls hooting,
I hear the wind blowing calmly.
I hear nature.
The next morning,
I open up the zipper of the little home.
Absorbing in the morning sun, warming up my skin.
I close my eyes and stretch.
Eager to enter the outer world, I hop out and leave.
My little tent is empty, but I see you again.

The author's comments:

This is about a child, being outside in a tent by themselves for the first time.

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