What freedom means to me. | Teen Ink

What freedom means to me.

March 18, 2016
By mwestlake BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
mwestlake BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As you lay your head down, remember American soldiers have laid their bodies down for you. As you walk the streets of your town, remember the Americans who have walked the streets of cities at war, full of ticking time bombs and despair. As you sleep, remember the Americans tirelessly anticipating evil to strike.

Freedom. A gift bestowed, that lives through you, that stays with you. Freedom: our birthright as Americans.

Freedom is feeling confidently safe and secure. Freedom allows you to be who you are, so you don’t have to hide in the shadows.

Because of our freedom, I can dream to become a doctor or an astronaut. This is possible because of the men and women who have and still are serving.

Everlasting wounded hearts, and minds. Our freedom comes with a great price, and it’s a promise. Those who have sacrificed for my American freedoms, will be in my heart forever.

Freedom is a gift bestowed to every born American citizen. Cherish it, love it, and remember the ones who have given their lives, so you could live and enjoy yours.  

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