Ancient Legends: The Spartan Legacy | Teen Ink

Ancient Legends: The Spartan Legacy

March 24, 2016
By Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a Spartan...
Simple, frugal, austere.
Qualities assured from the start.

I'm a Man...
Standing tall, above the rest
I shall not fall, as it will be the death of me.

I am a Warrior...
Taught to fight and defend.
Never give in, must keep pushing forth.

I'm a legend...
Written into the history books,
Others will strive to be like I am.

I am a Spartan...
Courageous in the face of pain, danger, and adversity.
Living amongst the greatest warriors who ever lived.

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