The Little Kid Of The War | Teen Ink

The Little Kid Of The War

March 9, 2016
By AsierGZabala BRONZE, Arcadia, California
AsierGZabala BRONZE, Arcadia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And the little kid understands, that man is the one who saved him from that fire, but now he lies - He lies with tears in his face, he lies with blood in his shirt, he lies down - But he lies with a smile because he knows - He knows that the little kid, now grateful, knows too.

The man doesn’t look like a hero, he looks like somebody that failed, he looks like someone who loved before, he looks like someone who cared before. Now he is just a man laying down with tears and a smile. His shirt is dirty, dirty of sadness, dirty of angriness, but mostly, dirty of loneliness.

Now the man thinks - He thinks about how that kid is there, just looking at him. He smiles, he does it because he knows that the kid is not just a kid, that kid is his son. He is the son that was in the fire, the fire of the war. He saved him but now he is dying. He smiles because he has to, because he is content. He fought with honor in the war, the war of the life - The life that he gave to the little kid.

And the little kid understood.

The author's comments:

Sacrifice and honor.

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