These Three Girls | Teen Ink

These Three Girls

March 9, 2016
By shurbert BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
shurbert BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rissa: I’m PTSD

Shelby: I’m Anxiety

Caitlyn: I’m Bipolar

ALL: We are weird

Shelby: Because I am nervous

Caitlyn: Because I am over emotional

Rissa: Because I am afraid.

ALL: *quiet* We are broken

Caitlyn: *louder* My emotions and my moods are a mental rollercoaster.

Shelby: *normal* It’s hard to express myself.

Rissa: *quiet* I feel trapped.

Shelby: *quite* Being in large groups scares me.

Caitlyn: I try to act like everything’s *slight pause* “okay”

Rissa: I find it difficult to trust people

ALL: We are fragile

Shelby: I’m drowning in my emotions

Rissa: Because I can never express myself.

Caitlyn: I always feel at war with myself.

Shelby: *saddened* People surround me, but can never quite help.

Rissa:*almost questioning* The feeling of helplessness while still being helped.

Caitlyn: And I’m constantly fighting against and with something I can’t quite control.

Shelby: *sighs* I am worried that I might lose people if I express myself.

Rissa: That if I share my thoughts, *slight pause* everyone will leave.

Caitlyn: *crescendo* Trying to get a grip with my inner demons is a battle unto itself.

ALL: *normal* We are attention seekers.

Caitlyn: I am Bipolar Disorder.

Rissa: I am Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Shelby: I am Anxiety.

Rissa: *angry* I didn’t ask for this

Shelby: *angry* I don’t want this

Caitlyn:*quietly* I can’t do this

Shelby: *sadly* I hate the spotlight. *looks down*

Rissa: *sadly* I hate the attention *looks down*

Caitlyn: *explosive* JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

*All pause, Shelby and Rissa turn to Caitlyn*

Shelby: *aggravated, turns back to the audience* I am not just a  “freak.”

Rissa: *aggravated, turns back to the audience * I am not just “paranoid.”

Caitlyn: *pissed*AND I AM NOT *decrescendo* just on my period.

ALL: We are judged.

Rissa: Because I have PTSD

Caitlyn: Because I have Bipolar disorder.

Shelby: Because I have anxiety

ALL: *firmly* We are misunderstood

Rissa: I am loved/ Cate and Shelby: I am strong

Caitlyn: I am loved / Rissa and Shelby: I am strong

Shelby: I am loved/ Rissa and Cate: I am strong

Shelby to Cate: You are perfect

Rissa to Shelby: You are perfect

Caitlyn to Rissa: You are perfect

ALL: We are perfect

The author's comments:

This piece displays the everyday struggles that Shelby, Caitlyn and Rissa face with their disorders. it was written by myself (Shelby Johnson), Caitlyn Hammonds, and Marissa Roberts. 

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on Apr. 1 2016 at 1:39 pm
PencilPoint SILVER, Newton, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But if we don't have the power to choose where we come from we can still choose where we go from there."- Perks of Being a Wallflower

You explained this so beautifully and I loved the way you weaved the different voices together and their struggles. Great job!