Abandoned | Teen Ink


March 4, 2016
By Sheriff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sheriff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up in my bed, like I always do on Saturday and I don’t know why but as soon as I
woke up a sense of uneasiness filled my body.I sat there in my bed, gathering my thoughts and
wondering why I felt that uneasiness.After I calmed down I got dressed, went downstairs to the
kitchen to make my breakfast.It was weird because my mother is usually home this time of the
day.She probobly went to the store so I thought nothing of it, but as soon as I went to watch TV
‘the uneasiness came back to me.I had had enough at this point so I thought a walk through
town would clear my head.
I walked along the road that leads to the Oasis Petrol Station, once I arrived my jaw
dropped.Wrecked cars littered the streets,buildings were damaged by gunfire and explosions.Ok
maybe if I head to town,the police or someone could tell me what had happened here.I saw
someone looking in a car, I was about to call out to them. But then I got a look at them and
quickly hid behind a car. That thing wasn’t human at least not anymore. Someone needed to
know what happened here, so I ran and ran and ran. The townsfolk had tried to fight back but
were completely overwhelmed.Right before I left on the road to Northfield, there was a roadsign
with these words that will haunt me for the rest of my days: ABANDONED BY GOD!

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