That One Book | Teen Ink

That One Book

March 2, 2016
By Jinli BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Jinli BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That one book that catches your eye
when you first see it.
The title is unique,
the cover art is beautiful ,
the short summary on the back sparks your attention.
You do not expect much out of it.
It is just a book.

You find yourself being sucked into that fictional world.
Placing yourself in the protagonist’s shoes,
believing that the world you live in was like the one in the story,
secretly wanting the world you live in to be like the story.

You keep reading and reading because it is so compelling.
The thrill, the action, the suspense that glues your eyes to the book,
as you losing track of time as minutes turn into hours,
as day becomes night.
The story is almost like some sort of TV show or movie
and you do not want to press that pause button in your brain.

Then the book comes to a close
The story ends
And you are suddenly thrown back into reality
That cannot be the end.
You want more,
but what is there left to read?

You go to sleep thinking about that book,
that world,
and how badly you want to live in it.

Even when it has long ended,
you find yourself going back
To that one book.

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