What do you see? | Teen Ink

What do you see?

March 2, 2016
By 19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see birds singing ever so happily,  
Glad summer is back.

I see caterpillars dancing to the music,
Waiting eagerly to become butterflies. 

I see squirrels swimming through the leaves
Searching for nuts.

I see kids getting ready to head back to prison, 
With all  new supplies.

I see nature painting the leaves, 
Beautiful reds, oranges, yellows.

I see pumpkins making spooky faces, 
Lighting up the night

I see the leaves turn orange, 
just like the Kool Aid I have been stirring.

I see the crisp leaves
Crushing like glass under my feet.

I see autumn come, just like spring, 
which reminded me of summer and winter.

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