I want to be someone else | Teen Ink

I want to be someone else

February 24, 2016
By ZaideHernandez BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
ZaideHernandez BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.

Being someone else is desired

I crave living like someone else

Changing myself into someone else

What would be the difference?

I wonder if I would be happier

As I write my questions there’s an answer in my thoughts

Another person has what you want

You have what the other wants

As the rich money and no joy

As the poor no money and love

Balanced fairness 

There’s no better life than yours

You are a survivor; the war against yourself

If you were someone else

No thought for a being will exist

To live in the magic of wanderlust

Color dust glitters in reality

Where’s the someone without-

Wanting to be someone else.



The author's comments:

We are all humans it's okay to have these thoughts about living in the shoes of others.

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