To Her Heart | Teen Ink

To Her Heart

February 11, 2016
By Zacono BRONZE, Cairo, New York
Zacono BRONZE, Cairo, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If There's A Will, There's A Way"

Everytime I see her face I feel butterflies all over
I’m always looking at her (does she notice?)
I really like her
I have to tell her how I feel she doesn’t even know
My only wish is to make her happy
I want to be the one to give her hope
I’ll be there every step of the way
I want to help her
She doesn’t even know the things I’d do for her
I have to tell her
The times I wish I could just tell her she’s beautiful
How many I wish I hugged her today
The way my heart skipped when she kissed my cheek
The urge I get to just hold her hand
When I look into her eyes I see something so beautiful I can’t explain
Does she like me this much?
If so why is she so nervous to say so?
Everytime I do something I do my best in case she sees it
I really like her
She doesn’t even know

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