Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

February 10, 2016
By Mercedes_F1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Mercedes_F1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from...
I am from a house that’s filled with appliances that were broken and now fixed with glue;
My father is a cheap man.
I am from my brother who guided me as I grew;
He showed me how not mess up my life from doing stupid stuff
I am from my interests of loving cars;
With persistence, perseverance, and passion, being an automotive engineer is my dream.
I am from the eye popping excitement of wanting to drive a powerful Jaguar;
Watching videos of an F-Type sounding like M-80s.
I am from a soccer coach whose excitement grew when I did a sick trick;
I practiced for days to show off my talent and to exceed my coach’s expectations.
I am from an overly dramatic, vein popping football coach who on the sidelines chewed a carrot stick;
He screamed at fifth graders and spit bits.
I am from a family where education is considered a priority;
My parents want my brother and me to be educated and retire healthy.
I am from a school that holds authority;
Arrowhead’s reputation towers over other schools, it needs to be strict to show it’s the best.
I am from my thoughts where I think of my past;
I was with friends or vacationing with family.
I am from my friends for when we amassed;
We got together on weekends and partied.
I am from my mother where I got the opportunity to travel to Norway;
We visited our massive family, where my cousin’s children have kids of their own.
I am from the future where I will be for the rest of my day;
Living in Norway would be a dream, seeing the sun pass over mountain ridges during sunrise.
I am from...

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