The Cards of Life | Teen Ink

The Cards of Life

February 11, 2016
By ReeceyPie BRONZE, Houston, Texas
ReeceyPie BRONZE, Houston, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only have one life, so learn to forgive and forget."

It’s killing you, I can see it in your eyes.
The pain and suffering that you endure every night.
You’re holding on though, not for your sake, but for your son.
You’re trying to be strong.

You’re telling yourself that this is just a rough patch that life has decided to deal you.

“I’ll make it through”, I hear you whisper to yourself every day.
I wish there was something I could do to help take away the pain.
I wish I could just whisper “Leave us alone” and like magic, the pain will slowly subside.
I wish I could do a lot of things to help ease your suffering, but truth be told,

I can’t.

I’m over here asking how I’m to cope with your sickness, when you’re the one actually suffering.
I can’t imagine the thoughts going through your head as you’re lying in bed bleeding out.
I cry myself to sleep at night, trying not to ask God why,
My faith is in God, and always will be,


Sometimes I can’t help, but wonder why we were dealt these cards.

The author's comments:

The poem was originally a part of my English Project and since so many people liked it, I thought why not post it?

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