Hate that I love you.. Feel Like I Need You. | Teen Ink

Hate that I love you.. Feel Like I Need You.

February 8, 2016
By ElegantLove BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
ElegantLove BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't fight for someone when they wont even give you the time of day...

I held you.

i watched you cry.

Even when you thought you were going to die.

Although i knew you werent..

I was still there to support you.

I love you still..

I always will.

You laughed in my face and broke my heart.

You called me names and hurt me bad.

I didn't know who you were then because you never had.

You had never really been yourself, and now i see.

You arent all that you could be. 

I was never going to the the honey to your bee.

I would never be the love to your life.

The time to your watch.

The Beatto your heart.

But i would be the one you ran back to when you're hurt.

The one that you could always just desert.

You knew i would be there to pick up the pieces.

Baby, i am done with you so go one find another one to be your mistress...

The author's comments:

It was just what i was feeling. everytime i get in a relationship i get hurt.. so this is how i feel..

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