Our Love | Teen Ink

Our Love

January 28, 2016
By SydneyTru1879 BRONZE, Anson, Maine
SydneyTru1879 BRONZE, Anson, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our love is like a fire,
that can never be put out
Our fire will shine brightly,
like an everlasting light.
It shines in vibrant colors,
from scarlet reds to rosy pinks,
from craven yellows to verdant greens,
from azure blues to amethyst purples,
from russet bronzes to lustrous silvers,
all the way to aurelian golds.

Our love is like a voice,
that can never be quieted.
You can take away our tongues
so that we cannot speak,
but our hearts and souls will scream our love.
You cannot quiet us.

Our love is passionate,
with feelings that can’t be felt on the surface.
You have to open up your hearts
and dig deep down
to find out what’s really there.

Our love is trusting,
we’ve taken down our stone walls
and let each other in.
We’ve seen each other’s secrets
and deepest, darkest fears.
We know everything about each other
right down to shoe sizes.

Our love is strong,
we won’t give up no matter what happens
or what is standing in our way.
We’ll overcome any obstacles
and continue on without a scratch,
because life can throw anything at us
and we’ll still come out on top.

   Our love is like a fire,
that can never be put out.

Our love is like a voice,
that can never be quieted.

Our love is passionate,
with feelings that can’t be felt on the surface.

Our love is trusting,
we’ve taken down our stone walls
and let each other in.

Our love is strong,
we won’t give up no matter what happens
or what is standing in our way.

Our love is ours
and we should enjoy every moment of it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my relationship with my boyfriend.

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