If I Could | Teen Ink

If I Could

January 25, 2016
By KristenTaylor GOLD, Atmore, Alabama
KristenTaylor GOLD, Atmore, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If I could retrace my steps to the day I first met you, I'd tell you that you made my heart flutter and my palms sweaty. I'd tell you that the moment I looked into your eyes I could see the next 70 years of my life living in the smile of a stranger. The moment I let myself love you; was the moment I let myself live. I plummeted myself into the gaping holes of your eyes, becoming more familiar with the color blue. I stapled words to the back of my throat, If I could I would go back in time, rip them out and finally admit I loved you. Cause I loved you, the moment my eyes met yours you were mine and I was yours.

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