She looks to be.. | Teen Ink

She looks to be..

January 19, 2016
By Gracie. SILVER, Marinette, Wisconsin
Gracie. SILVER, Marinette, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just try and not to fangirl to loudly

She looks to be 23

but in her soul was a teen, she tried and tried with all her might

to break free of her inner teen

She looks to be 24 and all she wanted was a family. She tried again with all her might, but couldn't have the perfect family.

She look to be 24, standing on the edge, all alone in this dark world...when a single hand reached up for her

She looked to be 25 and now she was happy, still a little broken, now she had a little family

She looked to 27

and now she had her happiness.

The author's comments:

I wanted to right about hte diffcults of life

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