She $$$$$$$$$ | Teen Ink

She $$$$$$$$$

January 11, 2016
By LordDanielG. BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
LordDanielG. BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rosa Parks

She be the reason I see,
She doesn't see me.
Years and years have passed and still; I only see She.

Four kids, two homes, and still she doesn't see me;
Gleaming is she,
But she doesn't see gleaming,

Caught she With he I did,
I am bolted,
So I jolted,

Left he bloody,
I'm no pilgrim i'm done
She no longer be,

The reason I see.

The author's comments:

When you're perfect but she is blind.

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