How to Care for a Horse | Teen Ink

How to Care for a Horse

January 6, 2016
By mk012 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
mk012 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments


a lifetime of love
a trough of money
a dab of frustration
a knapsack of barn clothes
a carton of first aid supplies
a bin of grooming supplies and brushes
a field of hay and grass
a pile of grain
a trough of water
a pocket full of treats (for each visit to the barn)
a vial of vets and farriers
a garden of bridles, saddles, saddle pads, and halters

In a large bowl, mix the trough of money, dab of frustration, and lifetime of love together until well mixed.
In a separate bowl, combine the field of hay and grass, pile of grain, and the trough of water; mix well. Stir in the vial of vets and farriers and the bin of grooming supplies and brushes.
Mix the large bowl into the second bowl until well mixed. Pour into a large pan. This is will be the base layer.
Spread the garden of bridles, saddles, saddle pads, and halters over the base layer.
Sprinkle the pocket full of treats over the top.
Bake at 350 degrees for a lifetime of happy horses and amazing memories.
For good measure, always make sure to have the knapsack of barn clothes when delivering the final product to your four hooved friend.

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