I am My Dog | Teen Ink

I am My Dog

January 6, 2016
By AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am my dog, lazing around in the cool of my room.
I am my dog, only leaving comfort to use the bathroom.
I am my dog, stealing the softest blanket.
I am my dog, sleeping as long as my family can take it.
I am my dog, there when I’m needed and gone when I’m not.
I am my dog, aware that my words are often for naught.
I am my dog, afraid of the mailman and weary of strangers.
I am my dog, constantly aware of surrounding dangers.
I am my dog, kind and caring if not a tad bit shy.
I am my dog, always looking to the sky.

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